Upcoming Class Reunions and Past Events

What would you like to do?  Would you like to see a Ferris class of 1968 reunion for our 55th or 60th graduation anniversaries?  Would you rather have small, annual and informal get-togethers?  It’s really up to you, our fellow classmates.  We, the reunion committee, are open to any suggestions we might receive from you.  Please don’t hesitate to send us your comments and ideas.  Our contact information can be found under the reunion committee menu item.

Scroll down to see past event photos.

Next Up

Our Next Casual Pizza Get Together Event TBA Due To The Novel Coronovirus Pandemic. 

Please stay tuned and keep safe and healthy. 

Past Events


70th Birthday Babies

Sheree Lowe

Sheree recently  celebrated her 70 birthday with former class of ’68 classmates and their spouses.  From left, Mike,Marian(Bretz) Whitney, Sherree Lowe, Bill, Judi (Sandstrom) Eberly, Joe, Barb (Fore) Schell, Gail (Kirk) Dickson, Chris (Donley) Wilber,


Shelby (Gates) Cutter

Shelby celebrated her 70th birthday in style and sent us the following photos:

“Toasting my 70th. Dennis did the balloons and Iris sent the flowers.”

“One of the cards I received… looks like my mother!”

“70 Year Old woman spotted riding a Harley!”

Susan (Brunner) Oblak and Mario Oblak

What a year it’s been!  We celebrated my 70th (waaaay back in Early a December)in Mexico City…museums, amazing architecture and archeological sites, great food & people.
Susan Brunner Oblak

Jim and Caroline Castino


Jim and Caroline Castino with their dog Lucy.

Rhonda (Mooney) Bennett

Rhonda says:  “Hello everyone.  My 70th Birthday was on 1/7/20.”

John and Mary Snyder

This is my wife, Mary, and I, taken on the day–1 January–in Taiwan, at the home of one of Mary’s college classmates, whom we were visiting at the time. Before SD was a thing–but the situation in Wuhan was all over the news there before we left. It was a great trip; saw all manner of historical sites, and spent a couple of days at a national park (Alishan), elevation well above 7000 feet. Spectacular sunrises and sunsets!

All best, and stay safe,


Gary and Wendy Ayars, Don and Wendy Swanson

Gary and Wendy Ayars, Don and Wendy Swanson celebrate their 70th year in rafting adventures:

Says Gary: Unfortunately us western Washington Ferris Saxons can’t make the Spokane pizza parties to share old times especially now with us hunkered down by Covid-19 restrictions. The pictures of East side contingent show that you have aged to the 70 year landmark well…especially the lady Saxons!  However, Swanson and I got to hang together to represent the aging Ferris tradition on our side of the state on 2 trips this past year just shy of our 70th birthdays.  Here are a few shots of two grizzled, gray-haired Saxons along with our Wendys from our trips to S. American and the Arctic/Iceland this past year.


Jan and Dean Carriveau

Jan and Dean Carriveau both turned 70 in 2020.  Dean, January 4 and Jan April 16.  They were surprised by a social distancing birthday visit from daughter and friends on Jan’s birthday.


Robin (Mullin) Rudd, Tricia Diblee, Pam (Hogsett) McNutly, and Sue (Bruner) Oblak

Robin (Mullin) Rudd, Tricia Diblee, Pam (Hogsett) McNutly, and Sue (Bruner) Oblak celebrate their 70th birthdays, March 20, 2020.

Schwietzer Jan 13, 2020

Kim Anderson shared photos of a skiing adventure with fellow classmates Shelby Gates Cutter, Jodi Johnson Watkins, Ken and Candy (Safranek) Krebs on  Monday January 13, 2020.




February 26, 2020

Doug Cameron and Kim Anderson once again hit the slopes of Schweitzer.


Silver Mountain (aka Jackass ski bowl circa 1968) January 2019

Lunch with Jodi and Doug

Lunch with Shelby, Jodi, and Doug

Silver Mountain with Kim, Shelby, Jodi, and Doug

Doug, Jodi, Kim, and Shelby on Silver Mountain…… yes we actually skied.

Refreshments to get us home.


Schweitzer January 2019

Kim, Shelby, Doug and Robin, refreshments to get us home.

David’s Pizza April 2019

Bennedito’s Pizza October 28, 2018