Louisa May Alcott Elementary School

The Louisa May Alcott school opened in the fall of 1955 and was named after the popular children’s author.  The school contained eight classrooms in a wooden framed building.  A portable building was added later that year to serve as the school’s auditorium.   Alcott closed in 1972 as the result of a failed school bond.  It became the home of the Instructional Media Center in 1980 and still serves that function today.


Alcott First Grade Mrs. Adams 1956 – 1957

Submitted by Rick Hayward

Alcott Fourth Grade 1959 – 1960

Photo submitted by Rick Hayward, thank you Rick.


Some more interesting trivia from former Alcott student Rick Hayward:

Hi Dean,
Some trivia. The original Alcott School was first called Carnhope School, and founded in 1914. Small problem, it was in the middle of the soon to be build I-90 freeway path. The school was annexed into District No. 81, and renamed to Louisa May Alcott in 1955. That walk over, just east of the city limits that crosses I-90 let the students walk to the new grade school location to the south. (You know, back when we kids walked to school w/o an armed guard.)
You thought Franklin looked old. Check out the photo below. My grade school Version 2.0 was a bunch of portables stuck together. A little less stately. The school building is still there, and now used as a repair center for District 81 equipment.



We’re looking for Alcott photos.  If you were a former Alcott student and have class, sports or activities photos, please contact:  Dean Carriveau (509) 624-7301 d.carriveau@att.net  We’ll put them on our website.