Hutton Elementary School—
E. 908-24th Avenue

First built in 1920-1921 of red brick and concrete blocks with a crème-colored stucco exterior and red tile roof, Hutton School was named for Spokane philanthropist, Levi W. Hutton. Hutton and his social activist wife, May Arkwright Hutton, were two of the first mine workers to develop the famed Hercules Mine in northern Idaho, and generously built, operated and endowed the Hutton Settlement—called the “Hutton Children’s Home.” The home is revered and significant as one the country’s first 20th-century modern orphanages for unwanted children. Hutton School was enlarged in 1930, remodeled in 1978-1985, and listed in 1997 as a contributing historic resource in the Rockwood National Register Historic District. In 2016, Hutton Elementary School was completely overhauled, enlarged, rebuilt, and restored. When they reached high school age, students from Hutton attended and continue to attend Lewis & Clark High School.

1956-1957 1st Grade #1 – Miss Peuw

First Grade Hutton 1957

Top Row: Bill Bailey, Gary Carstens, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??.
3rd Row: Bob Nyberg, David Meyersberg, ???, Caroline Greenough, ???, Terry Waterman, ???, ???.
2nd Row: Carlene Adamson, ???, Sylvia Sallquist, Lynn Pollock, Carolyn Belgum, Marcia Morris, JoAnn Delaney.
1st Row: Jimmy Jenkins, ???, David Call, Steve Luby.

1956-1957 1st Grade #11 – Mrs. Ward

Top Row: Jim Pearson, Cutris Ayers, Bill Etter, John Case, ??, ??, John Mitchell, Gary Protto,
Miss Ward.
3rd Row: Phil Irwin, Don Murray, ??, Carol Wilson, Molley Jensen, ??, Don Hart.
2nd Row: Ann Gaiser, Suzanne DeFleming, Carolyn Rodgers, Anita Riggers, ??, Vickie Share, Betsy Baker.
1st Row: Charles Kohlsrud, Mike Derrick, Marion Wyler??, Bobby Stockton.

1956-1957 1st Grade #111 – Miss Lang

1957-1958 2nd Grade #1 – Mrs. McQuen

Second Grade 1958

Top Row: Steve Luby? Bob Stockton, ??, Gary Carstens?, Bill Myhre, ??, ??, ??, ??. Mrs. McQuen.
2nd Row: ??, Pat Garvin, JoAnn Delaney, Betsy Baker, Suzanne DeVleming, Sharon Wilsey, ??, Bill Etter? Jimmy Jenkins.
1st Row: ??, ??, Mary Ann Hoye, Sye Triplett, Caroline Greenough, Margaret Myhre, Carolyn Belgum, Debbie Myersberg.

1957-1958 2nd Grade #1 – Mrs. McQuen, Wonder Bread Class Visit

1957-1958 Grade 2 #11 – Mrs. Ross

Top Row: John Mitchell, Marios Wyler, David Johnstone, Pat Saad, Dale Chalfant, ??, Don Murray, Terry Waterman, Gary Carstens, Mrs. Ross.
2nd Row: David Call, Mark __?, Philip Hunter, Charlene Ward, Vicki Share, Lynn Pollock, Anita Riggers, Carlene Adamson, Jim Pearson, Don Hart, Mike Derrick.
1st Row: Janice Dicks, Roxanne Williams, Molly Jensen, Joyce Jameson, Gay Marie Logsdon, Mary McClincy, ??, Mary Jane George.

1957-1958 Hutton 2nd Grade #111

1958-1959 Grade 3 #1 – Miss Deffert

Top Row: Don Murray, Dale Chalfont, Dan Able, David Johnstone, Pat Saad, Bill Wright, Terry Waterman, Gary Carstens, Miss Deffert.
2nd Row: Mike Derrick, Jim Pearson, Marion Wyler, Philip Hunter, Joyce Jameson, Margaret Myhre, Mary McClincy, Michael Reid, John Mitchell, David Call, Don Hart.
1st Row: Lynn Pollock, Anita Riggers, Gay Marie Logsdon, Molly Jenssen, Charlene Ward, Vicki Share, Karen Viera, Roxanne Williams, Charlene Adamson.

1958-1959 Hutton 3rd Grade #111

1959-1960 4th Grade #1 – Teacher Unknown

1959-1960 4th Grade #11 – Mrs. Stevens

Fourth Grade Hutton 1960

Top Row: Mrs. Stevens, Denny Mowbray, Bill Baily, Phil Irwin, David Johnstone, David Brook, Bobby Horner, Jim Pearson, Terry Waterman.
2nd Row: Charles Kolsrud, Robert Stockton, Russel Milspaugh, Karen Viera, Gina Pederson, Roxanne Williams, Jimmy Jenkins, Gary Sutter, Steve Luby.
1st Row: JoAnn Delaney, Sharon Wilsey, Carlene Adamson, Sue Triplett, Debbie Johnston Carolyn Belgum, Olga Demus, Sylvia Sallquist.

1960-1961 5th Grade – Mrs. Cooper

Fifth Grade Hutton 1961

Top Row: Roxanne Williams, Carolyn Belgum, Susan Triplett, Dave Johnstone, Rick Brown,
Dave Brooke, Allison Magee, Debby Culler, Mrs. Cooper.
3rd Row: Bob Hohner, Connie Jarvis, Gina Pererson, Sharon Wilsey, Debbie Johnson,
Karen Viera, Olga Demus, Pam Whitehouse.
2nd Row: Denny Mowbray, Gary Sutter, Russell Millspaugh, Sylvia Salquist, JoAnn Delaney,
Terry Waterman, Jim Jenkins.
1st Row: Charles Kolsrud, Bill Bailey, Phil Irwin Jim Pearson.

1960-1961 5th Grade – Teacher Unknown

1961-1962 6th Grade – Miss Long

Sixth Grade Hutton 1962

Top Row: John Mitchell, Charlene Ward, Don Murray, Carolyn Rodgers, Randy Henry, Connie Lamb, Chuck Hohner, Margaret Myhre, Pat Saad.
2nd Row: JoAnn Delaney, Jim Jenkins, Vickie Share, David Myersberg, Linda Clarkson, Pat Garvin, Debbie Johnson, ??, Christie Oberg.
1st Row: Mr. Hoag, Principal, Lylvia Sallquist, Ray Batten, Pamela Whitehouse, Ray Kaiser, Trudy Reiman, Mary Ann Hoye, Carlene Adamson, Marilyn Kramer.

1961-1962 6th Grade – Williams

Top Row: Dan Abel, Gina Pederson, Paul Thomas, Connie Jarvis, Wally Morgan, Molley Jensen, Bill Myhre, Carol Wilson, Jim Pearson.
2nd Row: Karen Viera, Tom Anderson, Gay Marie Logsdon, Phil Irwin, ?? Debby Culler,
Mike Derrick, Sally Anderson, David Quinet??.
1st Row: Frank Kuntz, Linda Sanders, Dave Brooke, Betsy Broadbent, Dick Rierson,
Sharon Wilsey, Mike McCarthy, Carolyn Rodgers, Debbie Meyersberg.

1961-1962 Hutton 6th Grade – Mr. Smith

1961 Boys Sports

Top Row: Denny Mowbray, Bill Etter, Mark Leonard, Bob Lewis, Ray Batten, Pat Saad, Scott McGilvery, Randy Bishop, Davis??.
2nd Row: Tom Torrence, Bob Hohner, Kinder??, John Muller, Mike Saad, Mark Wallace, Scaden?, Doug Souder, Rick Brown, Mr. Smith.
1st Row: Phil Irwin, Scott Osborne, Bill Garvin, Flip Shear, Pat Garvin, Chuck Hohner,
Bill Bailey, Jim Pearson, Randy Henry.


Top Row: Sue Triplett, Debbie Johnston, Connie Lamb.
1st Row: Carolyn Belgum, Carlene Adamson, Suzanne DeVleming.

1962 School Patrol – Principal Mr. Hoag

Hutton Cheerleader Letters

1962 Hutton Memory Book

Connie Lambs Hutton Memory Book