Irving Elementary School—
W. 1716 Seventh Avenue

Named for Washington Irving, an early American author, Irving School was built in 1890. In 1901-1902, a five-room brick addition was attached to the schoolhouse. In 1912, a portable unit used for industrial art classes was built, and in 1919-1920, the school was again expanded to include a permanent five-room addition and auditorium. By 1966, Irving School had been in continuous classroom use for 75 years, longer than any other school building in the city’s history. In 1972-1973, the school was closed and demolished with the exception of the building’s multi-purpose room, which was purchased by the Spokane Elks Lodge. Students from Irving attended Lewis & Clark High School.

1956-1957 1st Grade – Mrs. Noble

Top Row: Mrs. Noble, ??, ??, Bruce Johnson, ??, Fred Wright, ??, ??, ??.
2nd Row: ??, Janet Kepl, ??, ??, ??, Linda Anderson, ??, ??, Phyllis Tamura
1st Row: ??, ??, ??, Roy Oki, Marcia Moffat, ??, ??.

1957-1958 2nd Grade – Mrs. Benham

Top Row: Roy Oki, ??, ??, ??, Fred Wright, Dan McGowan, Dennis Long, ??
2nd Row: ??, ??, Janet Kepl, Priscilla Davis, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??.
1st Row: ??, ??, ??, Jeri Erling, ??, ??, Stan Uno.

1958-1959 3rd Grade – Mrs. Tryggvi

Top Row: Ron Shepherd, David Sackville-West, Paul ___??, Bill Gebo, Gale Allen, Rodney Chandler, Jim Kacalek, Patrick __??
2nd Row: Marcia Moffat, Janette H ___??, Maria R ___??, Jackie Fox, Linda Anderson, Marcella P ___??, Rosemarie ___??
1st Row: Ernest Z ___??, Phyllis Tamura, Larry K ___??

1958-1959 3rd Grade – Mrs. Vida

Top Row: ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, Fred Wright, Dan McGowan, Dennis Long.
2nd Row: Jeri Erling, Priscilla Davis, Janet Kepl, ??, ??, ??, ??.
1st Row: ??, ??, ??, Stan Uno, Roy Oki, Ken Babin.

1959-1960 Irving 4th Grade – Mrs. Ruth Woodard

Top Row: Ron Shepherd, Dan McGowan, Bill Gebo, Priscilla Davis, Diane ___ ??, Edward Rowland, Maurice ___??,
2nd Row: Teacher – Mrs. Ruth Woodard, Jeri Erling, Maxine Sheldon, Kathy Green, Judy ___??, Janet Kepl, Fred Wright, Henry Chandler
1st Row: Dennis Long, Ken Babin, Stanley Uno, Janette N ___??, Patty Routsen, Connie Grubbs, Carol Sue Malet, Nelda ___??

1959-1960 4th Grade – Teacher Unknown

Top Row: ??, ??, ??, Ernest ___??, Roy Oki, ??.
2nd Row: Jim Kacalek, Dave Sackville-West, Gail Allen, Linda Anderson, ??, Jackie Fox.
1st Row: ??, Rod Chandler, Rod Packard, ??, ??, Phyllis Tamura, Janette H ___?.

1960-1961 5th Grade – Mrs. Ambrose

Top Row: Ken Babin, Dan McGowan, Rodney Chandler, Henry Cordes, Fred Wright, Brian Lewis, Jim Kacalek, Bill Gebo, Ron Shepherd
3rd Row: Maxine Sheldon, Diane Daniels, Kathy Green, Linda Anderson, Sandra ___??, Jackie Fox, Jennie E ___??, Priscilla Davis, Terry Eddy, Mrs. Ambrose
2nd Row: Dennis Long, Pat Overlie, Roy Oki, Pat Sternberg, Ed Rowland, Tom Strawick, Mike Sweet, Stanley Uno, Rodney Packard
1st Row: Carol Sue Malet, Patty Routson, Cheryl Morgan, Janet Kepl, Patty Smith, Connie Grubbs

1961-1962 6th Grade – Mr. Anderson

Top Row: ??, ??, ??, Stan Uno, ??, ??, –, Janet Kepl, ??.
2nd Row: ??, Roy Oki, Priscilla Davis, — Dennis Long, ??, Jim Kacalek, Roberta Davidson,
Fred Wright.
1st Row: Mr. Anderson, ??, ??, ??, ??, — Ken Babin, Brian Lewis, ??.

1963-1964 8th Grade – Mr. Wood

Top Row: ??, Brian Lewis, Fred Wright, ??, Jim Kacalek, Dave Sackville-West, ??, Gail Allen, Ron Shepherd.
3rd Row: ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, Linda Anderson, Janet Kepl, ??, ??, Roberta Davidson, ??,
Mr. Wood.
2nd Row: Dennis Long, ??, ??, ??, ??, Ken Babin, Roy Oki, ??, Stan Uno.
1st Row: ??, Priscilla Davis, ??, Tom McRae, Phyllis Tamura, ??.